

At the end of the session, the participant will have:

  • An understanding of the relationship between breathing and swallowing.
  • An understanding of why swallowing problems may occur in people with chronic lung conditions and possible consequences
  • Awareness of common signs of swallowing problems
  • Awareness of strategies to help manage swallowing including speech pathologist assessment and intervention


This session may be facilitated by a speech pathologist or respiratory nurse.

Topic Content Resource
Introduction. – Relationship between breathing and swallowing. Normal breathing. Normal swallowing. Videofluoroscopic swallowing study.

Better living with COPD (Chapter 16)

Speech Pathology Australia: Swallowing Fact Sheet
Why swallowing problems may occur in people with chronic lung conditions Changes to breathing with chronic lung conditions: Disruption in coordination. Energy requirements. Lung cancer treatment (chemo-radiation) may also be associated with swallowing problems.

Possible changes to swallowing with chronic lung conditions: Delayed swallow reflex. Inhalation before / after swallowing. Difficulty with apneoic stage.

Increased prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux.
Better living with COPD (Chapter 16)
Consequences of a swallowing problem in people with chronic lung conditions How aspiration occurs. Consequences of aspiration.

Swallowing problems and nutrition
Better living with COPD (Chapter 16)
How can you tell if you are experiencing swallowing problems? Identification of swallowing problems and what to do if they are identified: GP/respiratory specialist and speech pathologist review Better living with COPD (Chapter 16)
Strategies to help manage swallowing problems Postural strategies. Fatigue techniques and improved breathing. Reflux precautions. Texture modification. Oral hygiene.
Summary and discussion.

The Toolkit

Getting Started
Getting Started
Patient Assessment
Patient Assessment
Exercise Training
Exercise Training
Patient Education
Patient Education
Patient Re-assessment
Patient Re-Assessment
Additional Resources
Additional Resources

Endorsed by the following organisations according to their respective approved criteria: