Resources and Links

The Toolkit

A presentation by Prof Jennifer Alison to the Chinese Physical Therapists in Sept 2022 to introduce the new Toolkit.

The PR Strategy Framework 2023-2026

Lung Foundation Australia is pleased to launch the PR Strategy Framework 2023-2026. This Framework focuses on building awareness of the benefits of PR and on establishing and documenting the compelling case for change in the provision and funding of services.

To read and help us promote the Strategy, view Lung Foundation Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Covid-19 Resources:

Visit the Lung Foundation Health Professionals for more information.

Lung Function Testing Guidelines

A joint working group from TSANZ/ANZSRS have produced preliminary clinical guidelines on the safe performance of lung function testing to be used in areas where there is no specific State or Territory Government directives.

HomeBase Pulmonary Rehabilitation

A resource for the development of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation programs. Please be aware that HomeBase has a face-to-face assessment prior to commencing. As this is not possible currently, patients will need to be assessed  via phone or videoconferencing and many of the usual assessments may not be possible.

Home-based and remote exercise testing in chronic respiratory disease, during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: a rapid review

ATS Report

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Resources in a Complex and Rapidly Changing World

NSW Health Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Respiratory Network

‘Delivering pulmonary rehabilitation via telehealth during COVID-19‘.

NSW Health Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Respiratory Network

Checklist for the re-opening of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation services in NSW.

NSW Health Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Respiratory Network

Respiratory physiotherapy COVID-19 advice document.

New: NSLHD – CDCRS Covid-19 Recovery Diary & Rehabilitation Program

NSW Health Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Respiratory Network:

Rehabilitation following COVID-19 in the pulmonary rehabilitation setting.

British Thoracic Society 

COVID-19; Information for the Respiratory Community Page

Lungs in Action:

What is Lungs in Action?

Lungs in Action Eligibility Criteria

Useful Patient Resources:

Maintaining movement video series

An online tool to support your rehabilitation patients to keep active at home.

Better Living with Exercise

Booklet for patients to use in conjunction with their health professional to devise and maintain a home exercise plan. Hard printed copies can also be purchased via the Lung Foundation website (Bulk discounts are available).

C.O.P.E – COPD Online Patient Education

Free online tool for patients to access the full education component of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in their own home.

The Toolkit

Getting Started
Getting Started
Patient Assessment
Patient Assessment
Exercise Training
Exercise Training
Patient Education
Patient Education
Patient Re-assessment
Patient Re-Assessment
Additional Resources
Additional Resources

Endorsed by the following organisations according to their respective approved criteria: